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Posts from the ‘Productivity’ Category

Writing Groups: Harnessing the Power of Groups to Improve Your Writing

Last August at the Academy of Management annual conference, I was invited to talk about writing at a PDW (professional development workshop) entitled: “Empowering Words: Achieving High Quality Writing in Management and Organizational Studies” which was organized by Otilia Obodaru and Erik Dane, both at Rice University. After the presentations, the organizers asked that participants break out into small groups and each panelist was invited to join a group and answer any questions that participants had about writing. All of the other invited panelists were current or former editors of top journals, and so were in an ideal position to answer questions about the publishing process, which, given the turn our field has taken of late, is what people are usually most interested in. I’m sure the people at the table I was assigned were a bit disappointed to not “get” Kevin Corley or Tim Pollock at their table. All they got was the blog lady. This of course put me in a bit of a bind. What could I possibly talk about?

I decided to ask whether anyone had experience with writing groups. To my surprise, no one had. So we talked about that. Our conversation was an animated one, so I like to think (maintain the illusion?) that it compensated participants for not being able to ask Belle Ragins what it takes to get published in AMR (Academy of Management Review, where he is currently editor).

So what is a writing group? A writing group is a group of authors with similar interests who get together on a regular basis to discuss their writing projects. Meetings can be done on a weekly, monthly or ad hoc basis; they can be more or less formal; they can take place face to face (in an office, cafeteria or coffee shop) or virtually over Skype, but the key is to have a group of people with whom to share your writing: a group of people who will carefully read what you write and who will give you honest feedback on how good/bad they think it is.

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Publishing Qualitative Research Video

In June 2012 a small group of us hosted a workshop on how to publish qualitative research in top journals. We invited a roster of editors from top journals in our field, and invited them to come to HEC and demystify the publishing process for the rest of us. The workshop was broken down into two parts – in the first part, both author and editor discuss their respective experiences in getting a paper through the review process at AMJ (The Academy of Management Journal). In the second part, our roster of editors comment on two burning questions about publishing qualitative research (well, they seemed “burning” to us, given that we thought them up!):

  • What is the literature review suppose to do in a qualitative paper?
  • When and why does an R&R not make it?

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10 Laws of Productivity

Interesting productivity tips from 99U, a web magazine destined to creative professionals. They’ve identified a series of laws based on routines and practices of people they call “serial idea executors”. Many of these tips can apply to writers – and some even come from writers such as Haruki Murakami. Here are the rules – read the full post on 99U.

  1. Break the seal of hesitation
  2. Start small
  3. Prototype, prototype, prototype
  4. Create simple objectives for projects, and revisit them regularly
  5. Work on your project a little bit each day
  6. Develop a routine
  7. Break big, long-term projects into smaller chinks or “phases”
  8. Prune away superfluous meetings (and their attendees)
  9. Practice saying “no”
  10. Remember that rules – even productivity rules – are made to be broken

10 Laws of Productivity :: Tips :: 99U.